
Surrender – By Any Means Necessary!

What if somebody told you that you don’t love God and you are His enemy? You might be offended right? But check this out, if you have not surrendered to His will and His way and you instead continue to run from Him and do things Your way each and every day then guess what, according to James4:4 and 1 John 2:15-16,  we, being born into sin, Are his enemy! BUT, once we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior, we are reconciled to Him and saved thru His life becoming a part of God’s family once again. The important thing AFTER that is to STAY connected to His spirit and His will by taking in His word everyday and allowing it to transform your ways as you become a new creation in Christ…SURRENDER…let go of the old things, let the old man die, as Christ perfects a new work in you. 

Some may not agree with your change, your decisions, they may doubt your seriousness, ridicule you, turn against you, all that…but guess what, His word says that those that are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Jesus Himself said that the world hated Him before it hated Us who follow Him. They will love their own, but we are not from here and we were chosen out of this world. They persecuted Him, so they will persecute us…flat out, its expected. (John15:18-21) Will all that being said are you willing to truly surrender? It WILL cost you, but…Would you rather worship the world and praises of men, and hear “depart from me, you worker of iniquity, I never knew you?’ or surrender to Christ, seek His will and His way and hear the “well done my good and faithful servant” when you are face to face with Him? That day WILL and IS coming, trust and believe and when it does, I want to make sure I have done what I have to do to live in eternal paradise…besides…all that He has done for me…I OWE HIM!! 

I could go on and on about Him and His word, but the things I have overcome and encountered in my lifetime could not have been done WITHOUT Him handlin it for me…thankful He took the blinders off my eyes so that I can see that. I am not perfect by ANY means, I trip, fall and bruise myself each and everyday…we have an enemy that HATES us and wants us to bring us down with him, BUT I know who I belong to and repent and come back runnin to the one that LOVES me EVERY time…I’m not perfect, but I serve a perfect God! If you haven’t yet, I pray you choose to follow Christ and allow His light to shine thru you and follow God’s ways of doing things…stop runnin FROM Him and run TO Him…the results are limitless…He gave us the blueprint…choose it and use it! Until next time…God bless!! 


Somethin to Chew on:


James 4:4

1 John 2:15-16

Matthew 5:10-12

John 15:18-21

Foundation, Rock and Lifeline!!! ✝️ #Hispromises #faithNJesus

Foundation, Rock and Lifeline!!! ✝️ #Hispromises #faithNJesus

Doin a lil studyin this mornin and the topic was on having faith in the Lord Jesus for healing and deliverance. It was actually part 2 of the study which I had started before. The 3 means of healing is by God’s Word, God’s Spirit, and Our faith. Without these taking place, some of the healing and/or deliverance won’t take place. Now don’t get me wrong, God CAN do what He pleases and if it is in His will to heal you just because He wants to, then He will, BUT as believers we have to realize that we have a gift given to us by and thru His son Jesus and our true faith in Him. He wants us to truly believe and operate in faith to activate His miracles in our lives.

When Jesus came to those searching for healing, He looked for their faith, and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, so in essence, what you put into your Spirit, will do a work in you and those things will produce its fruit, whether good or bad. Positive will produce positive, negative will produce negative, things of the enemy will produce wickedness, things of God will produce light and love and faith in the things of God and the gifts and works of Jesus Christ. He told us that those who believe in Him, would be able to do the works that He does and even greater, and these are things that we need to stand on and believe because God’s word does not come back void! He has given us SO many gifts as an inheritance, we just have to look into His word and find out what the gifts are, and they are there in abundance to those that are His.

We need to stay in His word and constantly ask Him to keep us hungry for His word and continue to build that relationship and get to know Him who loved us first. We need to stay in prayer, to be obedient, to stay in close proximity with Him, to have an ear open for His spirit and a heart to receive what the Spirit tells us to do. Have a humble heart and one of repentance, not taking Jesus sacrificing Himself for our sins for granted and just living any ol kind of way we want to, not taking it into consideration that when we have already tasted the heavenly gift and good Word of God, and we choose to go the other way instead, that is like saying that Jesus isn’t good enough for us and the world is better…puttin Him up on the cross again. That is truly a disgrace and a spit to the face of God if you ask me and I refuse to do that to Him after all that He has done for me and continues to do for me.

Don’t wait till its too late to repent and come back to the Father…He is waiting, arms wide open, He will never forsake you or leave you…it is US who choose to leave Him. So ask yourself, what do you choose, eternal life with Christ? Or temporary life in the world and eternal fire. The choice is up to you! I know what I choose…Choose Christ! Our foundation, our rock our lifeline!!!
Be easy, be safe, be a blessin!


Sumthin 2 chew on 🥖 🍽💧

Psalms 107:20
Matthew 9:28-29
Matthew 17:14-21
Acts 3:16
Acts 14:8-10
Acts 4:29-30
Matthew 17:20-21
Mark 9:29
Romans 10:17
Proverbs 4:20-22

The Power Of His Word!!!

Sword of The Spirit

Use Your Weapon!

Sword of The Spirit

Use Your Weapon!

Doing some reading this mornin and thought I’d share. We’ve all heard the scriptures Ephesians 6:10-18 which tells us to Put On The Full Armor of God so that we can withstand the attacks of the enemy while we are on this spiritual daily battle in our walk with Christ, but when you stop and think about it, most of the armor is for defense; breastplate of righteousness, belt of truth, feet of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, but there are two that are for offense and those are prayer and the Sword of the Spirit! Ima focus on the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. 

Yeah we can defend ourselves all day long, but the devil needs to be hit and hit hard and Jesus Himself showed us what we are to do and what to use and that is Holy Scripture! When he was being tempted after fasting, for 40 days, no water, no food, imagine that, AND in that desert heat, this is when satan figured he could get Him to fold and turn away from God (even tho Jesus is God in the human form) and kill Himself while missing His purpose. He waited till He was at His lowest point to tempt Him with food, tempting Him to jump off the ledge, and tempting Him to serve him in exchange for the world. 

As hard as it was and had to have been, Jesus stood firm on the Word of God and quoted scripture hittin the devil all in the head until he fled! This is EXATCLY what we are supposed to do! We are supposed to store up His word in our hearts, through studying, memorization, prayer, and meditation, and when the time comes, we are to reach in our storage and pull it out and come out swingin! SPEAK out the Word of God to the enemy…don’t just THINK it, SPEAK no better yet SHOUT it out to him…seriously..may seem weird, but you gotta remember, the battle is in the spiritual world that we can’t see, and when we speak it out, it is cutting and doing what it needs to do in the spiritual world, it’s THAT serious and THAT real! Jesus didn’t think it to the devil, he spoke it out, so we are to do the same.

We often fail to realize what or how we are to do things, but the Word of God has all the answers that we will ever need to get thru this life and get back to our home with Him. We need to learn how to apply it to our lives and use it on an everyday basis. Get into your word, eat it daily, let it nourish your soul, and use it for what its purpose is. Get closer to God and learn how He operates by meditating on His word. Allow the Spirit to open your heart to receive and understand the Word, I promise you, He WILL do it!…It is our gift from God and should not be wasted. Get the word up in ya, you wont be disappointed…it’s a lifestyle!! Use your weapon!! #besafe #beablessin #useyourweapon #wordofGod


Sumthin 4 U 2 chew on 🥖 🍞 


Ephesians 6:10-18

Matthew 4:1-11

Luke 4

Hebrews 4:12

Reel Ridaz - Driftin Away

Reel Ridaz – Driftin Away

Reel Ridaz – Driftin Away (Lyric Video)

Reel Ridaz – Driftin Away (Lyric Video) Dedicated to our Loved Ones. Gone but never forgotten! We pray we are makin you proud and we will continue to carry on your legacies! From Reel Ridaz – Iron Sharpenz Iron Tha EP Available on all digital outlets!…​ IG: @bbrisko IG: @baby_jblue_heavengang IG: st.albert ℗ 2021 AboutHisBiznezz #yahwehovaerythang#reelridaz#driftinaway#babyjblue#saintalbert#brisko


He Does It

He Does It

Just got done spending some much needed time with the Father and was just reminded about the things the Lord has done for us. He sacrificed His life for us…ALL of us! For the atonement for our sins, so that we would be dead to sin, so that we could live in righteousness, and so that we could be healed from sickness…He rose from the tomb to conquer death and while he was gone, he went and snatched the keys from the enemy, making us free. He stands in the gap when it comes to our iniquities and shortcomings, His blood covers for us, He is the name that every knee will bow to…even the enemy and his minions know what time it is when it comes to Jesus! He is always there waiting for us to come to Him. He will never forsake us and will continue to call us, even when we don’t want to listen because He was sent to save us from eternal fire by calling us sinners to repentance, which we should be doing EVERYDAY and continuously because we are imperfect and it is our nature. God doesn’t want us to perish that way, He wants us back with Him in eternal paradise. After all that we have done and all that we continue to do, He won’t turn His face from us when we come back and truly repent and turn from our wicked ways. Not one of us is perfect and none of us are without sin, but we have someone who is that is there for us should we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, and that ONE is Jesus Christ. If you are reading this and haven’t yet, it’s not too late to submit your life to Christ and let Him start transforming your life and bring you into the family of God’s Kingdom. We are His sheep, we were or are still lost, but He is and will keep on calling…it’s time to listen and DO…stop running FROM Him and start running TO Him! Be safe and be blessed! #Jesusisking 👑 


Sumthin 2 Chew On 🥖 💧:
2 Chronicles 30:9
2 Peter 3:9
Matthew 9:13
John 10:27
1 John 1:8-10
1 John 2:1-6
left the 99 to come for me

He Left The 99 To Come For Me

He Left The 99 To Come For Me

Through the first Adam and his wife Eve’s disobedience to God, sin and death were introduced, and we as their descendants have inherited sin, which leads to death…so yes, we were all born in sin and have strayed away from God. Romans 5:12, Psalms 51:5 and Psalms 58:3 are just a FEW of the scriptures that point to that. Matter of fact, Psalms 58:3 tells us that from birth we all go astray and speak lies. Think about it, a toddler, once they can talk, they will tell a lie to cover things up that they have done because they know they were wrong for doing it. Who taught them to lie? We as parents sure haven’t, and that’s just it, it is already in us to lie! We were all born in sin and our hearts are deceitful and wicked! (go look up Jeremiah 17:9).

From my experiences and from reading and studying the Word of God, I can see that we were all lost sheep at some point in time and many of us are STILL lost. To continue to be lost, can not only lead to difficulties, trouble, headaches, heartache, disaster and death, but WILL lead you into eternal fire without a second chance. We don’t have to remain that way, the second Adam, the Good Shepard (Jesus Christ), is and has been calling us to come back to Him and rest under the wings of His protection in His kingdom, to reconcile us and our relationship with Him, and eternal life with Him. The Holy Spirit has been tapping on our shoulders on the daily, tryin to get our attention but we been being hard-headed, neglecting Him and choosin to do what we wanna do smh. It is time to stop all that and answer His call through surrendering, repentance and full steam ahead running back to Him! It’s not too late, and the way the world is going, NOW is the time! God loves us and wants us to come back to Him and that is why He sent Jesus, to save the lost and bring us back, but of course we exercise the fact that He gave us free will to follow Him or not, and unfortunately, alot of the time, we choose the latter. It’s not the will of the Father that we perish in the Lake of Fire, He doesn’t send us there, WE send OURSELVES through transgressions, iniquity, unrepented sin, disobedience and flat out not having a relationship with the Father and getting to know Him and most of all Him not knowing US! (read Matthew 7:21-23)

So thankful for His tender grace and mercy and for Him to continually call me even when I would not listen. Thankful for Him giving me the ear to hear and the heart to receive the tug from the Spirit. I once was lost but now I am found…Thank you King Jesus for leaving the 99 to come for me!
Be safe and BE a blessin family! Brisko
Sumthin 2 chew on:
Romans 5:12
Psalms 51:5 
Psalms 58:3
Matthew 7:21-23
Matthew 18:14
Matthew 18:10-14
Luke 15:3-7