
Question 2 Self!


Came across this question this morning during studying and had to do some inventory and self reflection and ask for forgiveness for the pride of life in me, impatience and not waiting on Him but instead insisting on doing it My way when I want to. That aint the bizness. He knows best in ALL things, Ive proven over and over again that I’ll mess sumthin up quick! I say I love Him and trust Him, but my actions show otherwise thru neglect, pride, lustly ways and selfish ambitions…needed to see that this morning and do a self check! So thankful for the Holy Spirit’s conviction and correction…Thank u Lord for forgiving a wretch like me 🙏🏾 #selfcheck #correction #Hisspirit #Hislove #repent #Beablessing




Encountering the Power of God | Tony Evans Sermon

Encountering the Power of God | Tony Evans Sermon

When you find yourself facing a dilemma, you feel like you’re in a dead-end situation—that is, you’re between a rock and a hard place. The Israelites wound up in a dilemma when they found themselves between the Red Sea and an Egyptian army. In this lesson on one of the most noted stories in Israel’s history, experience the kind of divine encounter with God that happens in the midst of a dilemma. Sermon by Dr. Tony Evans
Christmas Spirit Short Film

Christmas Spirit (Short Film)

After a young couple finds love at first sight, they are forced to bring their worlds together. Necie (Who has a bougie family that believes in high standards but doesn’t believe in Christ) meets Jor’Dan family (A hood family that is Christ-centered and overly protective of their son). While necie is in the process of planning her wedding, she still finds herself convincing her parents that she found the right mate. The families fate are tested when an unexpected chain of events happens and they are forced to come together.