
sainTalberT – South Central Saint

Christian rapper, sainTalberT, releases his first visual for “South Central Saint” off his upcoming debut EP entitled “Off Top Sinner”. Be sure to check out exclusive merchandise at Directed by Chad Watkins Film Crew WE THE WAVE BUSINESS ENQUIRIES AT BROLLBOYZ@GMAIL.COM
AI the Anomaly

A.I. The Anomaly – Preach (Official Music Video)

“Preach” by A.I. The Anomaly Prepare yourself for this edgy unloading of lyrics! A.I. created this track for the sake of expressing how she felt about the idea of using what you learn to influence others. In essence that’s what we all do. We as artists use our skills for a purpose. Everyone has a reason. Every artist gets to choose. It’s up to the viewer/listener to pay attention to the fruit. Learn Something. Teach Something. Video Details: Directed by We Shoot Films Co-Directed by Get Fokus’d Productions Team: Paulette D. Harris, Siobhan Taylor, Zhanna Reed, Naila Ansari, Malik Rainey, Isaac Fareed, Ticia Fareed-Cole Listen on Spotify: Other ways to listen: Support A.I. on Patreon: All things A.I.: *Pray Push Persevere and in all you do Go All In


Scripture tells us that we were ALL born in sin and that none of us are without it. Furthermore, if you were to say you never sinned, you would be calling God a liar and His word would not be in you! Once Adam bit the forbidden fruit, we were cursed, sin took over and Satan gained control. Our minds became wicked and we became prideful and began to neglect God and even went as far as thinking We were God. We were no longer able to fellowship with God because of a broken relationship and the sins we were swimming in. We serve a mighty, just, Holy God who hates sin and stands by His word. The priests were the only ones that were allowed to go to God and repent on our behalf and they had to make sacrifices to the Lord through bloodshed of different animals. Through God and His Agape love for us (John 3:16), He sends our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the High Priest, the spotless, precious Lamb of God! The ONLY one that was pure and lived WITHOUT sin and showed us the WAY to the Father. The ONLY way is through Him. He purchased us from the enemy through His bloodshed, removing the curse that was killing us physically and spiritually and had us trapped in bondage of darkness so that we may inherit a new life of light in the Kingdom (Colossians 1:13-14) and be freed from the curse that led us to leave God’s path and rock with our own (Isaiah 53:6). He made a way for us to be forgiven for our sins, past, present and future (1 John 1:7) once we became children of God through receiving the Gospel of Christ and truly believing that He is the son of God, was sent by God to bring us back into a relationship with God by suffering, sacrificing and dying on the cross, being buried and rising on the 3rd day defeating sin and death before sending us the Holy Spirit to comfort, chastise, correct, and lead us unto the righteous path of Christ. As believers, since we have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, we too can stand in victory over the enemy because he no longer has power over us, our relationship has been made right with God, we are now accepted as His family, we can now come to Him and have that 1 on 1 through Jesus, and we can anticipate transformation, rejuvenation, and embrace the gift of salvation and eternal life made though Him that loves EACH and everyone of us! There is NO other name by which we are saved, (Acts 4:12) and that is by the name of the true and living King of Kings…the mighty and majestic Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Thank you Lord! #4evagrateful

Somethin to chew on: πŸ₯© πŸ— 🍽 


Colossians 1:13-14

Isaiah 53:6

1 John 1:7

1 John 1:10

Acts 4:12

Galations 3:13

Romans 3:10,23

Galations 4:5Β 

John 3:16

2 Corinthians 5:20Β 

Below are a couple of short videos on The Gospel!

Trusting God

Growing Pains

Trusting God

 Feeling uncomfortable? There are so many things out nowadays to make you feel comfortable, some legal, some illegal, some natural, some filled with so many ingredients and substances it dont make no sense, and mess around and get ahold of the wrong stuff, and it can end your life here on earth. Relying on someone or something outside of the Lord for comfort (2 Corinth. 1:3) can be detrimental physically and spiritually, so we need to be aware. When you are in your bed with the lights out, you get comfortable and go to sleep. When the lights are turned on, your eyes open out of discomfort and then you are up and awake. Same thing spiritually. We get comfortable with our living, no longer relying on the light, so comfortable that we fall “asleep” and are prone to the enemy and his plots. God allows us to be uncomfortable so that we are relying on Him and His grace and mercy and His wisdom and understanding and His leading and sustaining! Not saying being comfortable isn’t a good thing, but I personally don’t necessarily want to be TOO comfortable cuz I know what comes with that, and I know my personal struggles I’ve overcome thru the love of Christ and I ain’t trying to see them no more if you can dig what I’m saying. When God allows us to GO through being uncomfortable, it’s to GROW through being uncomfortable. We just have to lean not on our OWN understanding and trust God (Proverbs 3:5-6), depend on Him, RELY on Him, WALK with Him, SEEK Him, COMMUNE with Him, LISTEN to Him, and most importantly, OBEY Him. That is what He desires when it all boils down to it. Shows Him the utmost respect and shows Him you are willing to follow His will instead of our own. Brings Him much joy.Look at Noah, he trusted God, and you know he had to be uncomfortable building that ark for years while others thought he was crazy at laughed at him, but yet and still, he trusted the Lord and was obedient to the command to build the ark for God’s plan to rid of the wickedness that had taken over the earth. Look at Moses, after he killed an Egyptian for beating one of his original people, he fled from Pharaoh to the foreign land of Midian and was there for 40 years before God sent him back to Egypt to free his people out of bondage. He had doubts on his ability to do it and even asked God why it should be him? God told him “I will be with thee” (Exodus 3:11-12) The whole time God used Moses to bring out the Israelites from up under Pharaoh’s bondage, I know it had to be uncomfortable to be going back and forth with Pharaoh while God was hardening his heart and bringing signs to show who God was. Yet and still, Moses trusted God and was used to bring his people up out of Egypt while God departed the Red Sea. Some things (or people) that are keeping us comfortable, are actually keeping us in bondage and we need to allow God to reveal those things (or people) to us so that we can identify them and let them go, which might make us uncomfortable, but will allow us to make room for the Lord to do His work in us for His purpose and for our growth. Hard to say sometimes, but it is what it is. πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ 
Be patient, be vigilante, be trusting, praying, and keep moving in the direction God wants you to go, allow Him to use you, and understand that everything is for His glory not Ours. God’s promises will NEVER fail and we won’t KNOW His promises unless we get in His word and find out for ourselves. We have to stand on His truth and fear not. (2 Timothy 1:7) We need to understand that the things we do here on earth, will be judged, both good and bad, but we want to be found faithful in Him when we see Him so we can be given eternal life with Him. Don’t doubt yourself, rebuke the enemy, repent daily, pick up your cross daily, put on the Armor of God daily, keep pushin the line of Christ, and TRUST GOD!!! #endure #trustGod #followChrist

Somethin to chew on! πŸ₯˜ πŸ₯—  πŸ‘‡πŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΎProverbs 3:5-6Exodus 3:11-122 Timothy 1:7Philippians 1:6

bs 3:5-6

Exodus 3:11-122

Timothy 1:7

Philippians 1:6