
Fasting and Prayer

I first started fasting with our church 5yrs ago and it has become a very important part of my life since I started. Matter of fact, we are on a 21 day fast right now! Fruits, veggies, water and juice for 21 days, not to mention staying in prayer and seeking the Lord more frequently. The juice will be taken away on the 2nd week and it will be water from then on out. I am very thankful for the Lord leading me to a church that takes part in a corporate fast annually. Yes it can get rough at times, but it is a sacrifice that allows you to seek God on a more intimate level while avoiding certain fleshly desires, distractions, noise and wants. I see it as a spiritual and physical cleansing and a living sacrifice to the Lord. Denying the flesh to gain from the spirit.

Fasting is not only fasting of certain foods, or all food, but it also includes fasting from “things” that you “depend” on in your everyday living (social media, video games, TV, cellphones, etc.) By fasting and pushing these things to the side, and instead, choosing to pick up the Word of God, spending time with Him, praying, meditating, calling on His spirit, it is this that pleases God and allows us to truly reconnect and recharge our relationship with Him.

I’ve seen Him move on my behalf and on others during times of fasting and praying, and I not only fast with the church, but I fast at different times when the Spirit tells me to, or when I feel like I need to slow down, regroup, and rededicate myself to Him.

One thing I’ve learned from Isaiah 58 is that while we are fasting and expecting to receive from God, we need to be giving to others in some kind of way, and this is a very important part of your fast. BE a blessing!

The late Dr. Myles Munroe has a few things to say about fasting and its worth taking time to check it out below. God bless!


His Sacrifice Our Salvation

His Sacrifice Our Salvation 

His Sacrifice Our Salvation

Christ paid the price for our penalty of sin, that we may be able to break the patterns and Power of sin, so that we can claim Victory and be propelled into our purpose. By and through daily picking up our cross, choosing to follow Him, seeking Him with repentance cuz we are bound to sin, obedience and truly believing, trusting and receiving Christ death burial and resurrection and that He is our Lord and Savior, being born again, putting away the old man and putting on the new, then and only then, will we be given the promise of eternal life in paradise with Him. Aint no other way but thru Christ❗🙏🏾👑
#thankyouLord #graceandmercy #Hispromise #GodzSoldier #KingJesus


Faith is Key!!!


The reason why I spelled the title in all caps is because faith is one of the most important aspects of our relationship with God. How big is your faith? How little is your faith? Should we be praying to strengthen our faith? Absolutely. We need to pray daily and ask God to strengthen us in that area so that we can truly please Him.

With so many distractions, so much of the world in our face, ears, and mind everyday, we most definitely better be praying for strength in our faith ya dig. Not only that, we need to be asking for peace from the Spirit and for a desire and hunger for God’s word, His love, and His ways. When it comes to the storm, the enemy will try to tell you that it’s a done deal and you might as well chalk it up as a loss, but with faith as small as a mustard seed, you can trust and believe that God will pull you thru and it shall come to pass. We serve a mighty God! You gotta have that faith though to get things moving in the spirit realm.

His word tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. We trust and believe in God and Jesus as our savior, but we have not seen Him. It is something that we encounter once we get saved, or maybe it IS the actual encounter that GOT you saved in the first place when you find out and KNOW He is real! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God! Through grace we are saved through faith, not by ourselves, it is the gift of God. By having faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior is the only way we gain eternal life. We need to be praying for that Abraham faith, standing on that faith, and trusting that faith. Then and only then, are we justified and made right with God and He can consider and declare us to be righteous and in a right relationship with Him. There are so many in the Bible that showed what faith is all about and they are no different than us. We too can stand on that same faith.



A lil sumn to chew on: 
[Romans 10:17][Hebrews 11:6][Ephesians 2:8][John 3:16][Mark 11:22-23][Genesis 17]


Free on the Inside (reflection testimony)

Digging off in the garage looking for something and I came across this… This book is what woke me up to the spirit of the Lord, it was this book that comforted me when I was locked up in the belly of the beast… My cell mate was a stone cold killer, but was I afraid? No… I found strength in reading this book… Before that, I knew OF God, but I didn’t KNOW God… After getting released, I struggled with being consistent in my walk, and after years of trials, tribulations, situations and conviction, I finally surrendered to the calling of His voice… Thankful for His grace and mercy fasho, and I thank Him on the daily… Thankful He didn’t allow me to leave here stuck in sinful living… Am I perfect? No… Am I still learning? Of course… Daily… Does the enemy still tempt me with different thoughts and visions? Yes he does.. But… Ive come too far to turn back and the word speaks on those who come to Know God and turn back the other way and I don’t want none of that! It’s a must I stay diligent in reppin Him to the best of my ability, spreading His word, letting Him use me as a vessel, and keep that foot on the enemies neck! I may fall, but ima get right back on up thru Him! The only time it’s too late to turn it around, is when this chapter is closed and you are face to face with God… When that time comes, you don’t want to be representing yourself when it comes time to take accountability for your sins while here on earth… You gone need Jesus to stand in the gap… Buleeve dat… And the word says, if you don’t acknowledge Him now, and get to KNOW Him NOW, when that time comes, He gonna say He don’t know you! Don’t believe me… Go peep it for yourself… He hung on that cross for you to be able to be forgiven, wake up and smell that ya dig! Ain’t trying scare you, just being obedient and stating facts… When you KNOW better, you SHOULD do better! God bless
#Matthew7: 21-23 #itsnotagame #gettoKnowHim #BEablessing #GodzSoldier #brisko #inGodITrust #feedingsheep #Jesusisthereason #JesusIsLord #Hesavedme #imabeliever #chh#Christian #openThebook #hiphop #realspill #Hisword #defeattheenemy #66books #holyscriptures #freeontheinside



After falling into the gang life, multiple failed suicide attempts, major drug & alcohol addictions, death of family and friends and time in jail —  God changed Sevin’s heart in a dramatic and undeniable way. Now Sevin uses his gift in music to preach the message that saved his life, and his soul, the true and living Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Selective about Surroundings

A lil message from Wordsmith to our youth:  In the words of Wordsmith, “show me five of your friends & i’ll show you your future!” These are three stories of individuals from different walks of life that suffered at the hands of negative surrounding’s.


SODOM & GOMORRAH « As it was so shall it be » 2020 (4K Ultra HD) Documentary [SHARE]

If the judgement on Sodom & Gomorrah with fire and brimstone is real the whole Bible is! Do you want to escape the coming judgement, do you desire Eternal life? “Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” – John 3:3-5 “And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. – Acts 2:38. If you desire to be born again you can contact me on my facebook. God Bless you Timo Shely Prepare the way of the Lord