left the 99 to come for me

He Left The 99 To Come For Me

He Left The 99 To Come For Me

Through the first Adam and his wife Eve’s disobedience to God, sin and death were introduced, and we as their descendants have inherited sin, which leads to death…so yes, we were all born in sin and have strayed away from God. Romans 5:12, Psalms 51:5 and Psalms 58:3 are just a FEW of the scriptures that point to that. Matter of fact, Psalms 58:3 tells us that from birth we all go astray and speak lies. Think about it, a toddler, once they can talk, they will tell a lie to cover things up that they have done because they know they were wrong for doing it. Who taught them to lie? We as parents sure haven’t, and that’s just it, it is already in us to lie! We were all born in sin and our hearts are deceitful and wicked! (go look up Jeremiah 17:9).

From my experiences and from reading and studying the Word of God, I can see that we were all lost sheep at some point in time and many of us are STILL lost. To continue to be lost, can not only lead to difficulties, trouble, headaches, heartache, disaster and death, but WILL lead you into eternal fire without a second chance. We don’t have to remain that way, the second Adam, the Good Shepard (Jesus Christ), is and has been calling us to come back to Him and rest under the wings of His protection in His kingdom, to reconcile us and our relationship with Him, and eternal life with Him. The Holy Spirit has been tapping on our shoulders on the daily, tryin to get our attention but we been being hard-headed, neglecting Him and choosin to do what we wanna do smh. It is time to stop all that and answer His call through surrendering, repentance and full steam ahead running back to Him! It’s not too late, and the way the world is going, NOW is the time! God loves us and wants us to come back to Him and that is why He sent Jesus, to save the lost and bring us back, but of course we exercise the fact that He gave us free will to follow Him or not, and unfortunately, alot of the time, we choose the latter. It’s not the will of the Father that we perish in the Lake of Fire, He doesn’t send us there, WE send OURSELVES through transgressions, iniquity, unrepented sin, disobedience and flat out not having a relationship with the Father and getting to know Him and most of all Him not knowing US! (read Matthew 7:21-23)

So thankful for His tender grace and mercy and for Him to continually call me even when I would not listen. Thankful for Him giving me the ear to hear and the heart to receive the tug from the Spirit. I once was lost but now I am found…Thank you King Jesus for leaving the 99 to come for me!
Be safe and BE a blessin family! Brisko
Sumthin 2 chew on:
Romans 5:12
Psalms 51:5 
Psalms 58:3
Matthew 7:21-23
Matthew 18:14
Matthew 18:10-14
Luke 15:3-7

Question 2 Self!


Came across this question this morning during studying and had to do some inventory and self reflection and ask for forgiveness for the pride of life in me, impatience and not waiting on Him but instead insisting on doing it My way when I want to. That aint the bizness. He knows best in ALL things, Ive proven over and over again that I’ll mess sumthin up quick! I say I love Him and trust Him, but my actions show otherwise thru neglect, pride, lustly ways and selfish ambitions…needed to see that this morning and do a self check! So thankful for the Holy Spirit’s conviction and correction…Thank u Lord for forgiving a wretch like me 🙏🏾 #selfcheck #correction #Hisspirit #Hislove #repent #Beablessing






Scripture tells us that we were ALL born in sin and that none of us are without it. Furthermore, if you were to say you never sinned, you would be calling God a liar and His word would not be in you! Once Adam bit the forbidden fruit, we were cursed, sin took over and Satan gained control. Our minds became wicked and we became prideful and began to neglect God and even went as far as thinking We were God. We were no longer able to fellowship with God because of a broken relationship and the sins we were swimming in. We serve a mighty, just, Holy God who hates sin and stands by His word. The priests were the only ones that were allowed to go to God and repent on our behalf and they had to make sacrifices to the Lord through bloodshed of different animals. Through God and His Agape love for us (John 3:16), He sends our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the High Priest, the spotless, precious Lamb of God! The ONLY one that was pure and lived WITHOUT sin and showed us the WAY to the Father. The ONLY way is through Him. He purchased us from the enemy through His bloodshed, removing the curse that was killing us physically and spiritually and had us trapped in bondage of darkness so that we may inherit a new life of light in the Kingdom (Colossians 1:13-14) and be freed from the curse that led us to leave God’s path and rock with our own (Isaiah 53:6). He made a way for us to be forgiven for our sins, past, present and future (1 John 1:7) once we became children of God through receiving the Gospel of Christ and truly believing that He is the son of God, was sent by God to bring us back into a relationship with God by suffering, sacrificing and dying on the cross, being buried and rising on the 3rd day defeating sin and death before sending us the Holy Spirit to comfort, chastise, correct, and lead us unto the righteous path of Christ. As believers, since we have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, we too can stand in victory over the enemy because he no longer has power over us, our relationship has been made right with God, we are now accepted as His family, we can now come to Him and have that 1 on 1 through Jesus, and we can anticipate transformation, rejuvenation, and embrace the gift of salvation and eternal life made though Him that loves EACH and everyone of us! There is NO other name by which we are saved, (Acts 4:12) and that is by the name of the true and living King of Kings…the mighty and majestic Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Thank you Lord! #4evagrateful

Somethin to chew on: 🥩 🍗 🍽 


Colossians 1:13-14

Isaiah 53:6

1 John 1:7

1 John 1:10

Acts 4:12

Galations 3:13

Romans 3:10,23

Galations 4:5 

John 3:16

2 Corinthians 5:20 

Below are a couple of short videos on The Gospel!

Trusting God

Growing Pains

Trusting God

 Feeling uncomfortable? There are so many things out nowadays to make you feel comfortable, some legal, some illegal, some natural, some filled with so many ingredients and substances it dont make no sense, and mess around and get ahold of the wrong stuff, and it can end your life here on earth. Relying on someone or something outside of the Lord for comfort (2 Corinth. 1:3) can be detrimental physically and spiritually, so we need to be aware. When you are in your bed with the lights out, you get comfortable and go to sleep. When the lights are turned on, your eyes open out of discomfort and then you are up and awake. Same thing spiritually. We get comfortable with our living, no longer relying on the light, so comfortable that we fall “asleep” and are prone to the enemy and his plots. God allows us to be uncomfortable so that we are relying on Him and His grace and mercy and His wisdom and understanding and His leading and sustaining! Not saying being comfortable isn’t a good thing, but I personally don’t necessarily want to be TOO comfortable cuz I know what comes with that, and I know my personal struggles I’ve overcome thru the love of Christ and I ain’t trying to see them no more if you can dig what I’m saying. When God allows us to GO through being uncomfortable, it’s to GROW through being uncomfortable. We just have to lean not on our OWN understanding and trust God (Proverbs 3:5-6), depend on Him, RELY on Him, WALK with Him, SEEK Him, COMMUNE with Him, LISTEN to Him, and most importantly, OBEY Him. That is what He desires when it all boils down to it. Shows Him the utmost respect and shows Him you are willing to follow His will instead of our own. Brings Him much joy.Look at Noah, he trusted God, and you know he had to be uncomfortable building that ark for years while others thought he was crazy at laughed at him, but yet and still, he trusted the Lord and was obedient to the command to build the ark for God’s plan to rid of the wickedness that had taken over the earth. Look at Moses, after he killed an Egyptian for beating one of his original people, he fled from Pharaoh to the foreign land of Midian and was there for 40 years before God sent him back to Egypt to free his people out of bondage. He had doubts on his ability to do it and even asked God why it should be him? God told him “I will be with thee” (Exodus 3:11-12) The whole time God used Moses to bring out the Israelites from up under Pharaoh’s bondage, I know it had to be uncomfortable to be going back and forth with Pharaoh while God was hardening his heart and bringing signs to show who God was. Yet and still, Moses trusted God and was used to bring his people up out of Egypt while God departed the Red Sea. Some things (or people) that are keeping us comfortable, are actually keeping us in bondage and we need to allow God to reveal those things (or people) to us so that we can identify them and let them go, which might make us uncomfortable, but will allow us to make room for the Lord to do His work in us for His purpose and for our growth. Hard to say sometimes, but it is what it is. 🤷🏾‍♂️ 
Be patient, be vigilante, be trusting, praying, and keep moving in the direction God wants you to go, allow Him to use you, and understand that everything is for His glory not Ours. God’s promises will NEVER fail and we won’t KNOW His promises unless we get in His word and find out for ourselves. We have to stand on His truth and fear not. (2 Timothy 1:7) We need to understand that the things we do here on earth, will be judged, both good and bad, but we want to be found faithful in Him when we see Him so we can be given eternal life with Him. Don’t doubt yourself, rebuke the enemy, repent daily, pick up your cross daily, put on the Armor of God daily, keep pushin the line of Christ, and TRUST GOD!!! #endure #trustGod #followChrist

Somethin to chew on! 🥘 🥗  👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾Proverbs 3:5-6Exodus 3:11-122 Timothy 1:7Philippians 1:6

bs 3:5-6

Exodus 3:11-122

Timothy 1:7

Philippians 1:6

power of prayer

Perseverance in Persistent and Patient, Prayer!



The Power of Persistent and Patient Prayer

Persevering in Persistent and Patient Prayer…one of the most overlooked gifts that we have. The ability to be able to come and ask God the Father for things, and based on His will, we may receive the very things that we prayed for. With that, you have to put in the work and pray persistently, faithfully, and be patient and wait for God’s answer. And again, based on His will and His perfect timing, will determine if you receive what you are praying for. 

Trusting in God’s Will

Will you be bugging God for asking for the same thing over and over? Absolutely not, BUT when He says no, He means NO! Therefore, you have to be in tune with Him and His Spirit so you can hear clearly as to what His answer is. Don’t just go out and do it anyways or continue to seek the things that He tells you NO to, that could lead to problems and could lead to sin and besides, in a sense you would be denying God and what He wants for you. You have to be lining up with His will first of all, He is not just going to give you something just because you have asked.

The Example of a Parent and Child

Put it this way, you wouldn’t give your child something just be cause they asked, would you? Depends on the circumstance and if you felt that it was a good thing for them to have or not. It is the same with The Father and us, He is not going to just give us any and everything. He wants good for us, and some things aren’t going to do us ANY good so therefore sometimes the answer the answer will be no! 

Does God Hear Our Prayers?

“Does God even hear me when we pray? I don’t see anything happening” . God’s timing is perfect, He is patient and it is something that we have no control over, but His promises are true. Look at the Israelites that were trapped in bondage for years before receiving the promise. They definitely had to be patiently praying, with FAITH, to make it out of Egypt’s captivity, but it was well worth it!

Encouragement to Keep Praying

“Don’t give up on praying!” We can point to a few scriptures and parables on this right off the top. Luke 11:5-13 and Luke 18:1-7 are great examples that our Lord Jesus uses to open our minds on being persistent. In the first, the parable of the friend that came knocking on his friends door in the middle of the night for some loaves, while the one friend’s children were sleeping, he is still going to get up and give it to him because he is his true friend and most of all because the friend is persistent in asking.

God’s Promise When You Ask

Luke 11:9-13 expounds on how if you ask, be it you are in the Father’s will, you shall receive, and it will be good. 

God’s Response to Persistent Prayer

Luke 18:1-7 is the parable of the widow woman and the unjust judge where the judge, a non-believer and self righteous man, with NO respect for God, was pestered and pulled so much by the widow woman who wanted him to avenge her of her adversary. She was so persistent in asking, that it got on the judges nerves until he went ahead and did what she asked. Just think about it, this man who did not fear God and wasn’t a fair man, went ahead and gave her what she asked for…how much more do you think our amazing Father in Heaven would be to give US what we ask for?!

Trusting God’s Plan

We can’t get weary in doing good OR in praying…flat out! It actually shows respect and love for God and trusting Him instead of ourselves. Pray in faith and expect to receive, IF it’s lined up with God’s will! Don’t stop praying until you get an answer and remember, If He just gave us everything we asked for, it would be a HUGE problem because we wouldn’t know how to act, it may not even be the time for us to have it (so be patient), OR it just isn’t for us! All in all, we serve a Mighty and Awesome God who loves us more than we could ever imagine and He wants whats best for us…TRUST GOD!!!

Sumthin 4 U to chew on: 
Luke 11:5-13
Luke 18:1-8



🙏🏾📚 ✝️ Gettin this lil study time in and it was on how we become captive, blinded by Satan, and how Jesus came to heal, deliver us from captivity, and restore our spiritual sight and destroy the works of the devil. During this time, it’s important not only to the believer, but especially to the new in Christ, AND the non-believers to keep ya eyes open to wolves in sheep’s clothing and false teachers speaking false doctrine. Alot of folks trying to find some relief in this pandemic, which is good that they are seeking God, but be careful. Not only is all these cats comin up wit all these conspiracies and whatnot, you also got the prosperity and “good feeling” teachers with a spotlight that will lead you right into or keep you in captivity.. Which will lead you to eternal damnation… Listen to what they saying.. are they telling truth, speaking Christ? or just telling you something that makes you feel good so you want to come back? And truth is, alot of em want you to come back to fatten they wallet while they keep feeding you false doctrine and who knows what alterior motives “lie” behind their masks 🐺 … You need a word that’s gonna convict you, correct you and make you WANT to turn and do right, a word that’s gone make you repent and turn from your foul ways and grow spiritually… Sound Doctrine.. That’s the kind of word you need to be seeking (so thankful for my Pastor, and my brothers in Christ that I’m tapped in wit💪🏾) Most importantly, you should be getting the word straight from the source! Spend some time in study and seek Him 1 on 1..dive into His word and get closer and get the real comfort and strength and Love as the word is revealed to you. God is so amazing, He gave us so many instructions and a blueprint on how to navigate thru this thang called life… Its just up to us to trust, seek, and believe…nobody’s perfect and it ain’t too late till its too late ya dig.. Took me a minute to get it, but glad I got it! His word don’t come back void fam! Be CAREFUL, STAY SAFE, and GOD BLESS! 💯 #GodzSoldier #brisko #fromsaul2paul #abouthisbiznezz #illuminatetheworld #trustandbelieve #Hisword #Hiswill #justavessel #thankYouLord

👇🏾👇🏾Sumthin 2 Chew on! 👇🏾 👇🏾

2 Corinthians 4:4
Colossians 2:8
Luke 4:18-21
1 John 3:8
Matthew 7:15
Acts 20
Matthew 16:6-12
Phillipians 3:3, 18-20
Romans 16:17
2 Peter 2:1-2

One of John Macarthur’s messages down below 👇🏾



Our Father in Heaven is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, EVERYTHING is made by Him and for His glory. Nothing or nobody is greater than the Great I AM…spiritually or physically, and one thing is for sure, He does NOT want us to perish eternally in Hell. His will is for us ALL to get in right standing with Him, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through Jesus is the only way! We have broken our relationship with God since the beginning of time by doing the thing that He hates, can’t stand, and does not allow in His kingdom…sin! He has given and showed mercy on us time and time again because He loves us. (That don’t mean to wear it out tho! 🤦🏾‍♂️ )

We were born in sin, and it is not something someone taught us to do, it’s just natural because it’s in us already. That does not mean that it is a lost cause, we have to repent on the daily, and come to Christ to wash us clean…DAILY! Tomorrow ain’t promised, so don’t put it off and say “oh, I can wait”, you never know when it’s that time to go.

God gave us a way to reunite and reconcile our relationship with Him, and that was through Him sending His Son to sacrifice and die for us on the cross. He had NO sin and no blemishes, so he took on our sin, even before we were here, so that we can have a way back to God for eternity. Only thing is, it’s not an automatic “pass”. We have to acknowledge it, have faith in, trust and accept the salvation that Jesus Christ brings and that He is our Lord and Savior. Will we still sin? Most definitely, every day matter of fact, might not even be on purpose (sinful thoughts, lusting of the eyes, sinful actions, sinful speaking, etc.) we will falter, it’s just our nature. BUT, He is there to forgive us if we come with a repentant heart and ask Him for forgiveness.

In these days and times, it’s a must to get our souls right and our relationship with God in order. He is calling us, are you not picking up the line? When you want or need something, you sure blowing His line up, so why you sending Him to voicemail? Time to pick up the line and have a nice conversation with the Father, start by repenting, asking for forgiveness, and accepting His Son and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, let Him make you a new creation and start walking in salvation…Get Reconciled!

Food to feast on 🍲 🥣 🍗 🥪 

2 Corinthians 5:18-20
Colossians 1:20
Ephesians 2:16
Romans 5:10

John MaCarthur speaks on Reconciliation below…check it out!


For The Love Of Money

For The Love Of Money

We all know money is a necessity and can provide many things. However, our Father who is in Heaven can and will provide if you depend on Him! The word of God says clearly in Matthew 6:24 that we are not to serve both God and mammon, meaning the worshiping and coveting of money. The distraction from chasing money instead of chasing God, can and will lead to disaster eternally. The lust for the things money can bring can really get out of control and turn you into an entire different person if you are not careful. It’s just that serious. Folks are killing and dying behind the greed of money and its sometimes wicked fruit on the daily, and it’s not going to come to an end any time soon.

1 Timothy 6:9-10 “9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” These verses are pretty much self explanatory and should not be overlooked or shunned upon. I myself have done many foolish things trying to “get to the paper” or “chasin cheddar”. Things I am not proud of, and things that when I sit back and think, I wonder how I could participate in or even begin to think on doing the things I did for the money. I am truly grateful for His tender love, grace and mercy and that He didn’t allow the enemy to take me out in those times when I was stuck in bondage and trapped in a life of recklessness and working full time for the enemy. Thank you Lord.

Money can truly be evil if it is not used the correct way. We are not supposed to covet our possessions and money, but we are supposed to give when we can and when led by the spirit. WE CANT TAKE IT WITH US WHEN WE GO so what’s the purpose of hoarding it? Store our treasures in Heaven and not on this Earth where it will mean nothing and where it will perish. Seek righteousness so that we will inherit the Kingdom of God and His riches and glory that is waiting on those who Fight the Good Fight of the Faith. It is a long distance race that we must endure to stay on the correct path until we see the finish line and the face of Jesus.

The Lord will provide for us what we need in order to survive. If he provides for the birds, provides resources for plants to grow, why do we think that us, an image created in His likeness, that He would not take care of Us? His word says He will, and His word does NOT come back void!

Luke 12:16-21, is the parable of the rich fool. He had accumulated so much, that he decided he was going to pull down his barns, build bigger, and store his goods for years and be set. Even going as to say he was going to kick back and eat, drink and be merry. Little did he know that God would be telling him that he would be taking his life that night and that yeh, you had alot of Earthly wealth, but you didn’t have a wealthy relationship with God.

16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: 17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. 20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? 21 So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.

Don’t get me wrong, being wealthy is not a bad thing at all, but it can be dangerous if not taken care of the correct way. One can become arrogant, get to thinking they are better and smarter than others, and just completely forget that if it were not allowed and provisioned by God Himself, they would NOT have the wealth that they do, and most of all, their wealth here on earth does NOT compare to wealth in Heaven, flat out! Use your money wisely, use it for taking care of your family and necessities, and seek the Spirit on how to use it for God’s purpose here on Earth. If you have in the past or are now coveting, worshiping, or putting money before God, repent and ask for His forgiveness and that He washes you clean. Turn from the lust and deceit that money brings. Nobody is perfect, and thankfully, He gives us a chance to come clean with Him. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, so take that step and make it happen! God bless you


“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.”

Prayer –
Father God, in the name of Jesus, I give you praise, glory and honor. Thank you for being who You are and for never forsaking me, forgive me for any thing I may have done in action, thoughts, or speech that does not honor you Father, forgive me for any worldly and lustly ways that I may have or still do have concerning money Father. I do not take your word for granted and what you say about the love of money and not serving two masters. I choose you and your righteousness and love over all. Thank you for all of my blessings. Help me have the wisdom to use them in ways that honor you, bless others, and bring you joy and aid in uplifting your Kingdom here on earth. In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen.

Somethin to chew on!  🍽 🍲
Luke 12:16-21
1 Timothy 6:9-10
Matthew 6:19-24

Dr Myles Munroe illustration over this topic below for you to check out!👇🏾


Fasting and Prayer

I first started fasting with our church 5yrs ago and it has become a very important part of my life since I started. Matter of fact, we are on a 21 day fast right now! Fruits, veggies, water and juice for 21 days, not to mention staying in prayer and seeking the Lord more frequently. The juice will be taken away on the 2nd week and it will be water from then on out. I am very thankful for the Lord leading me to a church that takes part in a corporate fast annually. Yes it can get rough at times, but it is a sacrifice that allows you to seek God on a more intimate level while avoiding certain fleshly desires, distractions, noise and wants. I see it as a spiritual and physical cleansing and a living sacrifice to the Lord. Denying the flesh to gain from the spirit.

Fasting is not only fasting of certain foods, or all food, but it also includes fasting from “things” that you “depend” on in your everyday living (social media, video games, TV, cellphones, etc.) By fasting and pushing these things to the side, and instead, choosing to pick up the Word of God, spending time with Him, praying, meditating, calling on His spirit, it is this that pleases God and allows us to truly reconnect and recharge our relationship with Him.

I’ve seen Him move on my behalf and on others during times of fasting and praying, and I not only fast with the church, but I fast at different times when the Spirit tells me to, or when I feel like I need to slow down, regroup, and rededicate myself to Him.

One thing I’ve learned from Isaiah 58 is that while we are fasting and expecting to receive from God, we need to be giving to others in some kind of way, and this is a very important part of your fast. BE a blessing!

The late Dr. Myles Munroe has a few things to say about fasting and its worth taking time to check it out below. God bless!


His Sacrifice Our Salvation

His Sacrifice Our Salvation 

His Sacrifice Our Salvation

Christ paid the price for our penalty of sin, that we may be able to break the patterns and Power of sin, so that we can claim Victory and be propelled into our purpose. By and through daily picking up our cross, choosing to follow Him, seeking Him with repentance cuz we are bound to sin, obedience and truly believing, trusting and receiving Christ death burial and resurrection and that He is our Lord and Savior, being born again, putting away the old man and putting on the new, then and only then, will we be given the promise of eternal life in paradise with Him. Aint no other way but thru Christ❗🙏🏾👑
#thankyouLord #graceandmercy #Hispromise #GodzSoldier #KingJesus