Faces Of Sin


Discussing the word this morning with my wife and we got into some topics of study that we’ve been doing and how there is so much in God’s word. You can read the same scriptures 1000 times and He can show you 1000 different things in it every time. She brought out a notepad from her study notes and went through some things she had jotted down concerning sin and how there were different faces or levels to it. This all blew me away because I had panned on doing a sin series in the Soul Food blog but didn’t know when to start. I decided to share some of what she had and add a little to it. Thank you Holy Spirit and thank you Babe for allowing Him to use you!

When someone says sin, we just think “sin”, and fail to realize that sin has different “faces” if you will and different attributes and personalities and different forms. They ALL will lead you to stray away from God and they ALL will lead you to hell if you don’t repent and turn away from it. God does not allow sin in His kingdom and can not stand to be around it. He is a Holy God and sin cannot be in His presence. It’s best we know what we are up against and also know that we were born in sin due to Adam’s going against God’s command of the forbidden fruit and birthing sin in mankind. It is the makeup of our hearts and nature and we are all born in it. However, that does NOT mean that we HAVE to live in sin and accept it. We do NOT have to allow the enemy to blind us by the pleasures of sin (yes it does give us a good feeling sometimes) and allow us to think it is ok. Jesus died on the cross and rose in 3 days, claiming victory over sin and giving us a way out of perishing forever in the lake of fire from sin. Thank you Jesus for your atonement and sacrifice on the cross! If we would only sit back and think on what He actually did for us..something that NOBODY else could EVER do…if we could just really ponder on that and the magnitude of it…we could never thank Him enough.

The need to repent is so severe, we sin every single day, by things we do or don’t do, according to the word of God and the will of God. We sin sometimes when we don’t even know it, so it is VERY important that we repent DAILY of our sins and ask for forgiveness in the mighty name of Jesus. Without that name behind it, it does us no good. Again, we could never thank Him enough!

God bless you!


Levels of sin

Difference between iniquity, sin, transgression

Sin is:

  • To fall short of the glory of God
  • To miss the mark, to do something against someone or God
  • Doing the opposite of what is right

Sin left unchecked or continual sin leads to a reprobate mind.

Transgression is:

  • To choose to intentionally disobey
  • Willful trespassing
  • To cross the line that can be in thought, word or attitude many times a day.

Iniquity is:

  • Sin more deeply rooted
  • Refers to a premeditated choice
  • To commit iniquity is to continue without repentance
  • When you plot to carry something out

Iniquity left unchecked leads to a state if willful sin with no fear of God.

Iniquity continued can also lead to a reprobate mind.

*Reprobate mind – Romans 1:28

#thankyouJesus #Hislove #forevergrateful


Sumthin to chew on 🍞πŸ₯–πŸ₯©πŸΆ


Romans 1:28

Romans 6:23

Galatians 6:7-8

Isaiah 59:2

2 Peter 2:4-9

1 John 1:9



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