Foundation, Rock and Lifeline!!! ✝️ #Hispromises #faithNJesus

Foundation, Rock and Lifeline!!! ✝️ #Hispromises #faithNJesus

Doin a lil studyin this mornin and the topic was on having faith in the Lord Jesus for healing and deliverance. It was actually part 2 of the study which I had started before. The 3 means of healing is by God’s Word, God’s Spirit, and Our faith. Without these taking place, some of the healing and/or deliverance won’t take place. Now don’t get me wrong, God CAN do what He pleases and if it is in His will to heal you just because He wants to, then He will, BUT as believers we have to realize that we have a gift given to us by and thru His son Jesus and our true faith in Him. He wants us to truly believe and operate in faith to activate His miracles in our lives.

When Jesus came to those searching for healing, He looked for their faith, and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, so in essence, what you put into your Spirit, will do a work in you and those things will produce its fruit, whether good or bad. Positive will produce positive, negative will produce negative, things of the enemy will produce wickedness, things of God will produce light and love and faith in the things of God and the gifts and works of Jesus Christ. He told us that those who believe in Him, would be able to do the works that He does and even greater, and these are things that we need to stand on and believe because God’s word does not come back void! He has given us SO many gifts as an inheritance, we just have to look into His word and find out what the gifts are, and they are there in abundance to those that are His.

We need to stay in His word and constantly ask Him to keep us hungry for His word and continue to build that relationship and get to know Him who loved us first. We need to stay in prayer, to be obedient, to stay in close proximity with Him, to have an ear open for His spirit and a heart to receive what the Spirit tells us to do. Have a humble heart and one of repentance, not taking Jesus sacrificing Himself for our sins for granted and just living any ol kind of way we want to, not taking it into consideration that when we have already tasted the heavenly gift and good Word of God, and we choose to go the other way instead, that is like saying that Jesus isn’t good enough for us and the world is better…puttin Him up on the cross again. That is truly a disgrace and a spit to the face of God if you ask me and I refuse to do that to Him after all that He has done for me and continues to do for me.

Don’t wait till its too late to repent and come back to the Father…He is waiting, arms wide open, He will never forsake you or leave you…it is US who choose to leave Him. So ask yourself, what do you choose, eternal life with Christ? Or temporary life in the world and eternal fire. The choice is up to you! I know what I choose…Choose Christ! Our foundation, our rock our lifeline!!!
Be easy, be safe, be a blessin!


Sumthin 2 chew on 🥖 🍽💧

Psalms 107:20
Matthew 9:28-29
Matthew 17:14-21
Acts 3:16
Acts 14:8-10
Acts 4:29-30
Matthew 17:20-21
Mark 9:29
Romans 10:17
Proverbs 4:20-22

The Power Of His Word!!!

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