Free on the Inside (reflection testimony)

Digging off in the garage looking for something and I came across this… This book is what woke me up to the spirit of the Lord, it was this book that comforted me when I was locked up in the belly of the beast… My cell mate was a stone cold killer, but was I afraid? No… I found strength in reading this book… Before that, I knew OF God, but I didn’t KNOW God… After getting released, I struggled with being consistent in my walk, and after years of trials, tribulations, situations and conviction, I finally surrendered to the calling of His voice… Thankful for His grace and mercy fasho, and I thank Him on the daily… Thankful He didn’t allow me to leave here stuck in sinful living… Am I perfect? No… Am I still learning? Of course… Daily… Does the enemy still tempt me with different thoughts and visions? Yes he does.. But… Ive come too far to turn back and the word speaks on those who come to Know God and turn back the other way and I don’t want none of that! It’s a must I stay diligent in reppin Him to the best of my ability, spreading His word, letting Him use me as a vessel, and keep that foot on the enemies neck! I may fall, but ima get right back on up thru Him! The only time it’s too late to turn it around, is when this chapter is closed and you are face to face with God… When that time comes, you don’t want to be representing yourself when it comes time to take accountability for your sins while here on earth… You gone need Jesus to stand in the gap… Buleeve dat… And the word says, if you don’t acknowledge Him now, and get to KNOW Him NOW, when that time comes, He gonna say He don’t know you! Don’t believe me… Go peep it for yourself… He hung on that cross for you to be able to be forgiven, wake up and smell that ya dig! Ain’t trying scare you, just being obedient and stating facts… When you KNOW better, you SHOULD do better! God bless
#Matthew7: 21-23 #itsnotagame #gettoKnowHim #BEablessing #GodzSoldier #brisko #inGodITrust #feedingsheep #Jesusisthereason #JesusIsLord #Hesavedme #imabeliever #chh#Christian #openThebook #hiphop #realspill #Hisword #defeattheenemy #66books #holyscriptures #freeontheinside

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