God first

God First

first fruits


God First

How many times do you hear the saying “God First”? You hear it all of the time, see it on social media under folks profile descriptions, posts, etc., but are we really putting God first or are we just following along to sound good. Most of the time, it’s the latter unfortunately. His word says we are to seek Him first but we instead, wake up, and go about our way, and getting caught up in the everyday hustle and bustle of life, completely dishonoring Him and failing to acknowledge Him, invite Him in and involve Him in our daily lives.

When it comes to first fruits, we are not giving it to Him. First fruits are not just financial, but it is also spiritual and personal (as far as our personal relationship with God). As much as He has done for us, saved us from, blessed us with, and just for Him being God Himself, why can’t we, or better yet, why don’t we spend time with Him FIRST in the morning. Why don’t we dedicate time to thank Him, fellowship with Him, LISTEN to Him, converse with Him, BUILD a relationship with Him? He honors that, and we neglect it.

First Fruits – Really Putting God First

Cain and Abel

You can see one of the first examples of this in the recounts of Cain and Abel. Cain was a gardener and Abel was a sheep herder. Cain brought his offering to God over a period of time and Abel brought his FIRSTlings of his flock to the Lord as an offering. To put it in a way you can understand, Abel brought his very best and Cain brought leftovers after he had gotten what he thought was good for him. This is NOT honoring God, neither is going throughout the day without acknowledging the Lord and giving Him control and direction over your life.

He Is Worthy

Sad thing is that we fail to realize that there is a spiritual battle going on that we can’t see and God keeps us from so much throughout the day that we don’t see, and by us not arming ourselves in the morning, we are leaving ourselves vulnerable to the devices of the enemy. HE is SO worthy and it is unfortunate that we don’t give Him the honor that He truly deserves.

Fact of the matter is, as a believer, we should know better and choose to honor God with our first fruits, whether it be our time, or our income (which He is the one who gives us the means by providing in the first place, and its rightfully His anyways), and not doing so is a sign that we are choosing to forget God in our life and instead choose to relay on our own way, and by now we should all know that our way is not the best way and His is!

Fact is, when we choose to put Him first, He will bless that…His word says it and He can’t and doesn’t go back on His word! Seek Him first to say thank you, to honor Him, to bless Him, to ask for guidance and direction, to ask how you can be used by Him, to cover you family, to petition on someone’s behalf, to just flat out grow your relationship with Him who created you.

If you haven’t already, make a change and truly choose to put GOD FIRST!

God bless you.


#firstfruits #honorHim #itsalifestyle #Godfirst


Sumthin to Chew on: 🥖🍞🍶🥩


Genesis 4:1-5

Matthew 6:33

Matthew 22:37-40

Proverbs 3:9-10

Matthew 10:38-39

Jeremiah 29:13

Matthew 7:7-8